Corner Inlet Little Athletics Recognised

26 Nov 2016 by Kate Wenig

Corner Inlet Little Athletics recently received an award from Little Athletics Victoria for the biggest percentage in growth of membership in the 2015/16 season, because of an increase from 16 members to 32 members in successive years. Last year’s first time utilisation of a facebook and Teamapp opened up the club to the world wide web. Corner inlet’s current season sees 29 members, with many younger children choosing to join up this year, in the nurturing environment which is seen as the foundation for all sports.

A dedicated team of volunteers, comprising of parents and grandparents, fosters a sense of community and ensures that the sessions are conducted in a professional manner, with wonderful coaching , friendships forming and a focus to “be your best”.

This week corner inlet managed to beat the weather to conduct their full program of events, and award the following little athletes: Lily Gornall – triple jump, Lewis Armstrong – running and Ava Pickard for Shotput.


pioneer street, foster

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