30 Apr 2017 by Kate Wenig

The Corner Inlet Little Aths club unveiled their new high jump mat at the Primary School Athletics Day last Friday 21st April. The high jump mat (featured underneath the Primary and Secondary School students) was funded by sponsorship from the Bendigo Bank Foster/Toora Branches and the RACV. Sharon De Maria from the Bendigo Bank in Foster is pictured sitting in the centre of the mat with Primary students (who had first use of the mat on their sports day) and Secondary students (who were helping out on the sports day as part of their year 9 community project). This generous donation will allow Corner Inlet Little Aths members, Primary and Secondary School students the use of an excellent piece of sporting equipment for years to come. What a wonderful asset for our community – Thank you Bendigo Bank and RACV.


pioneer street, foster 3960

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